• 100% Free Anti-Malware Software

    Free Malware Sweep

    Scan, detect and remove any kinds of malware like worms, Trojans, rootkits, rogues, dialers and more to protect your identity & privacy.

Detect & Destroy Malware & Other Threats

Detect & Destroy Malware & Other Threats

Free Malware Sweep is fully functional and free anti-malware application for on-access and on-demand scanning and removal of the common and latest malicious software, including spyware, adware, hijackers and trojan horses, etc. Now, it is at your service to help get you rid of the constant invasion from nasty malware.

Protect Personal Data from Hackers

Protect Personal Data from Hackers

Probably you have heard of or experienced a hacker attack and hope to keep away from it forever. Free Malware Sweep will help do that easily. The free anti-malware program helps detect and remove any malware that hackers may make use of to steal your personal information. Thus you can shield the data and block hackers from gaining access to your system.

Safeguard Surfing, Shopping & Banking

Safeguard Surfing, Shopping & Banking

As a professional anti-spyware program, Free Malware Sweep protects against various malware threats. It helps stop any malware that tries to hijack browsers and redirect you to advertising or a phishing-con web page, use your computer as a secret server to broadcast pornography files, read personal identity or steal your password... While what you get is a secure operating system that ensures surfing the net, chatting, shopping and banking safely.

Backup & Restore Any Changes

Backup & Restore Any Changes

The free anti-malware software provides backup & restore feature which intends to help recover any changes if required. You can choose to restore all changes or any specific change from the backup at your convenience, though there is little chance of accidental deletion of data.


Why use Free Malware Sweep

  • Recognized as #1 free malware removal software for 6 years.
  • Loved by 5 Million users.
  • 100+ Awards from computer & software websites

Our guarantee:

We promise Free Malware Sweep will be 100% free, 100% clean


What you see is what you get

Download World"s #1 Free Malware Removal Software


What can you do with Free Malware Sweep

How to Detect and Remove Malware
How to Detect and Remove Malware?

Free Malware Sweep is fully functional and free anti-malware application for on-access and on-demand scanning and removal of the common and latest malicious software, including spyware, adware, hijackers and Trojan horses, etc. [More...]

How to Customize Scanning Process
How to Customize Scanning Process?

It's easy to find highly customized settings in Free Malware Sweep. It allows scanning every corner of your computer or any specific areas like files, processes and registry, etc. [More...]

How to Schedule Scanning
How to Schedule Scanning?

Equipped with a time scheduler, our free anti-spyware tool allows users to configure scans which will run automatically at a specific date/time. The scheduled scans can be run daily, weekly or monthly. Once this feature is set, Free Malware Sweep will automatically and periodically check for any malicious programs for your disposal. [More...]

How to Restore Changes
How to Restore Changes?

Free Malware Sweep provides backup & restore feature which intends to help recover any changes if required. You can choose to restore all changes or any specific change from the backup at your convenience, though there is little chance of accidental deletion of data. [More...]

Spyware Danger Level Estimation
Spyware Danger Level Estimation

In the vernacular of Homeland Security, the spyware "threat level" is somewhere between Elevated and High. If your business operates in a regulated environment, place the threat level between High and Severe. Consider these threats. [More...]

Symptoms of Spyware Infections
Symptoms of Spyware Infections

Your system runs noticeably slower than it did before. It could be infected by spyware. Spyware is a type of software that is installed on your computer to watch and record your activity. Some types of spyware record your keystrokes and information that you type into websites or other programs and then use that information for targeted advertising or identity theft. [More...]

Ways Spyware Can Get on Your Computer
Ways Spyware Can Get on Your Computer

Spyware usually ends up on your machine because of something you do, like clicking a button on a pop-up window, installing a software package or agreeing to add functionality to your Web browser. These applications often use trickery to get you to install them, from fake system alert messages to buttons that say "cancel" when they really install spyware. [More...]

Main Types of Malware
Main Types of Malware

Malware: Short for malicious software, malware is a catch-all phrase used to define any program that runs on a computer without the user's knowledge and performs predetermined functions that cause harm. In that sense, spyware can also be malware. [More...]

The Truth about Adware
The Truth about Adware

Adware based advertising has become one of the most widely used, yet most criticized, ways of promoting a product or service. And even though adware is under heavy attack by Congress and US Law enforcement, adware ads continue to proliferate. [More...]

How to Avoid Facebook Scams
How to Avoid Facebook Scams

There are several indicators that can usually clue you in to a scam. Two major red flags that something underhanded is going on are a request for a password or credit card information. Scammers collect passwords or credit card numbers and use that information. [More...]

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